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Christ Church Chorleywood C of E School

Trust, Love & Respect:

Learning & Growing with God

Parent Governor Vacancy – update

Following the recent correspondence sent out from school asking for nominations for a new parent governor, we are in the fortunate position of having three nominees willing to take on this important and valuable role. As a result of having three people, we are required to hold a ballot and offer all members of the parent body an opportunity to vote. The eldest child in each family should bring home an envelope containing information on each of the nominees and one voting slip for each parent.


The nominees are:

Meera Jansen (mother of a daughter in Year 1)

Dave Martin (father of two children, in Years 1 and 3)

Jag Mudhar (father of a son in Reception)


Voting slips must be returned to the school and placed in the ballot box in the main entrance by 3.15pm on Friday 27th November. Any votes received after this time will not be counted. Thank you.
