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Christ Church Chorleywood C of E School

Trust, Love & Respect:

Learning & Growing with God

Cavell Centenary Service

Monday 12th October marked the 100th anniversary of Edith Cavell's death by firing squad during the early stages of World War One. As one of our houses is named after Edith Cavell, we got in touch with the trust in her name and were invited to attend the service being held at her monument in St. Martin's Place, London.


Cavell House Captains Louis and Amelia attended as our representatives and did us all proud with their smart uniform and impeccable behaviour. They were also invited to read out messages of thanks to healthcare professionals all around the country at the launch of the Cavell Trust's 'Moment of Thanks' campaign.


Follow the links below to local and national news of the event - in the BBC news report you can see brief glimpses of Louis and Amelia stood amongst the crowd at the outdoor service.
